Care4U Mobile App
Care4U Mobile app was created to help caregivers manage their time and task as well assist those being cared for. This is an innovative approach to eliminate negligence in the nursing home and home health care field.
My role: UX/UI Designer, Researcher, Content Writer
The problem: Adults with aging parents in a nursing home or a loved one that receives services from a home care provider need help. How might we provide mobile capability for workers to log in and out of work and document daily activities and happenings for the day while helping loved ones who also need a way to view real time daily progress of their loved one thru their mobile device?
Purpose Statement: I believe every loved one should be cared for properly and every nursing home should protect those they care for. I believe this app will accomplish this goal and will give care givers the flexibility to add information thru their mobile app due to their travel.
Research Goal: The Baby boomer generation accounts for the largest elderly population of our time within the nursing home and home health care provider population. How might we better monitor those in this population that are cared for and the workers that care for the elderly in a digital manner?
Key research questions:
How often would you like to receive updates about your loved one?
How would you like to receive updates on your loved one?
How can this information be used to protect your loved one?
How can it be used to protect those caring for your loved one?
Tell me about a time where you did not have information about your loved one?
What fears do you have about others caring for your loved one?
What can a caregiver do to provide assurance that your loved one is being taken care of?
What fears do you have about others caring for your loved one?
What can a caregiver do to provide assurance that your loved one is being taken care of?
6-week study to assess the need of additional monitoring of the elderly. Study included 30 participants in three categories:
Phase 1: Conduct user surveys of target demographic.
Phase 2: Evaluative approach using closed card sorting.
Phase 3: 20 minute usability testing using mobile app prototype.
Industry Analysis:
Exploration and a deep dive was conducted about companies in the same industry sector or market niche who compete with this company’s products and services.
Demographic: Study included 30 participants in these categories:
Gender: 50/50
Ethnicity: Mixed
Devices: Mobile (iPhone and Android)
10 certified nursing assistants
10 elderly individuals between the ages of 70 and 85
10 individuals who have loved ones being cared for
Based on survey results in Phase 1 these features were most important to users.
Affinity Mapping
Comparative Analysis
This is the framework of our mobile app tabs and tasks.
Behavioral Card Sorting Study
Gauges user emotions and feedback toward labeled categories while viewing their choice options and final results.
“I was a little confused if “storage” meant a digital storage space or a physical storage space!”
Hello, maybe you could add a category as “Reminders”. Most of the tabs did not apply to me so it was a little more difficult to place them.”
Daily Activities- I would like to see this in the “Sharing” tab. Lack of Activities- I would prefer this information in the “Push Notification” tab. Information Sharing- Should have a dedicated category, to be monitored by the facility staff.”
Provisional Personas : The CNA worker/ The Client
Usability Test Plan
Research Goal: My goal is to ensure each persona is able to access information easily with no more than three clicks to get to the desired information.
Introduction: Hello, My name is Kim. I am a UX/UI designer and we are looking to create a mobile app to assist caregivers and the ones they care for with updated real time information. We want to ensure the mobile app is easily accessible and would like your input on the ease of navigating this app. Please complete the task using the scenarios below. There are no right or wrong answers, just do what comes naturally. Your opinion is extremely important.
Context Questions:
What types of information would you like to see to ensure your loved one is taken care of?
How would you like to receive updates on your loved one?
How often would you like to receive updates about your loved one?
How can this information be used to protect your loved one?
How can it be used to protect those caring for your loved one?
What else can this information be used for?
What fears do you have about others caring for your loved one?
What can a caregiver do to provide assurance that your loved one is being taken care of?
Please log in
You want to see what activities your mom did today. How would you find that information?
You are at the doctor's office and your mom left her medical card. Where can she find it on the app?
You need to see how often your mom went to the bathroom this month. Can you find that area on the app?
You love seeing your mom's growth where can you see her pictures?
Your mom is alone at home. You have to refill her medication online but need her information. Where do you go?
You want to add pictures. Where can you add pictures?
Key Findings
Health care workers want access to this app for convenience.
Parents and loved ones want to track progress daily.
Parents, loved ones and health care workers want access to monthly data.
Real time information is ideal.