Neuterra is a Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC), women-owned e-commerce startup that provides the most transparent way to shop for a planet with finite resources. We go beyond the carbon label and enable our customers to make the most informed buying decisions for a climate safe future.

Team members involved:

Kwasi: UI/UX designer

Mindy: Environmental Scientist

Kimetha: UX Designer and Researcher, Survey creator and synthesis of lots of writing


Create a landing page that provides information on the company. The goal is to intrigue the user to join our mailing list and gain financial support from future venture capitalist. The landing page is intended to be one page only. The survey questions will be used to gain insight on what should be added to the metrics and other information that is important to users and companies. We ended up changing the landing page from what you see on the left to what will be implemented on the right based on customer feedback, leadership feedback and requests.

Discovery Process

I and the team spent some time synthesizing questions to ask users so we could determine the metrics we would provide the public on supply chain sustainability. We need to know what the users understand about sustainability and what they may be interested in learning.

Working with UI designer Kwasi we were able to transfer the current web site to the approved website below.

Survey Questions

  • Let's start by finding out how environmentally savvy you are...

  • What does the term “greenwashing” mean to you? 

  • What does the term “sustainability” mean to you?

  • What are some factors that prevent you from shopping more sustainably?

  • Great. So, let's talk about your shopping routines.

  • How important is it to you to buy from businesses that are environmentally and socially responsible? This question is required.

Our end result ended with 30 thought provoking questions including age, region and education demographics.

survey questions.jpg


Over 250 responses within a 96 hour time frame. Areas on the landing page and future communications will include information regarding these four key areas for business customers shown below. This was also done on the customer side of the business but the landing page finalizations are ongoing.

Copy of Copy of Mockups & Photo Frames For Website  (15).png

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